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 637 items in 43 pages
06/16/2024向著標竿直跑_Pressing on to the One ThingSermonCharlie GreenwellEngslish
06/09/2024聖經都是神所默示的_All Scripture is breathed out by GodSermon馬殿君Chinese
06/09/2024Christians’ Identity CrisisSermon游德程Engslish
06/02/2024長者和年輕人的教導_The Instructions for the Older and the YoungerSermon游德程Engslish
05/26/2024伊甸园,圣殿和新耶路撒冷_Eden, Temple, and New JerusalemSermon郑恋青Chinese
05/19/2024The Ascension of ChristSermon郑恋青Engslish
05/19/2024神家有規矩_Order in God’s HouseholdSermon段永恒Chinese
05/12/2024Pride and Unworthiness: Flip Sides of the Same CoinSermonDoug OrlandoEngslish
05/12/2024書念的婦人_The Shunammite WomanSermon梁志勇Chinese
05/05/2024福音的執事_Minister of the GospelSermon杨威Chinese
04/28/2024尊主名為聖_Hallowed be Your NameSermon馬殿君Chinese
04/28/2024God's Building Project (Part 2)Sermon游德程Engslish
04/21/2024喜樂有因_Rejoicing for a ReasonSermonCharlie GreenwellEngslish
04/14/2024God's Building Project (Part 1)Sermon游德程Engslish