

Global Missions 普世宣教

Tallahassee Chinese Christian Church is thankful to partner with the following organizations: 塔城華人教會與下面的宣教機構一起同工:

  1. The Navigators 導航者
  2. Guiding Word 恩言
  3. TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission)
  4. Big Bend Childhood Evangelism Fellowship 萬國兒童佈道團
  5. Voice of the Martyrs 殉道者之聲
  6. Pioneers
  7. Camp Crosspoint
  8. Asia Harvest
  9. A Women’s Pregnancy Center

我們普世宣教的事工還有:Our church also focuses on Global Missions through our:

  1. FSU Campus Ministry Outreach to Chinese students on Friday nights 佛羅里達州立大學校園團契(週五晚)
  2. Daily and weekly prayer for Unreached People Groups, using the Joshua Project app.藉著“約書亞計劃”每天為未及之民禱告
  3. "Mission Moments” in Sunday worship “宣教點滴”報告
  4. Periodic Special Mission Prayer Focuses 為普世宣教的特別禱告會
  5. Global Mission Conference 普世宣教特會