


马殿君来自中国大陆。1992年8月来美求学,1993年2月蒙恩信主受洗。1996年至今一直在本教会与弟兄姊妹一起敬拜并服事神。现在塔城一非营利机构从事信息技术工作。与太太王延芳姊妹育有一个女儿。 Dianjun Ma is from mainland China. He came to the States in August 1992 as a graduate student. He was baptized in February 1993, and has been worshipping and serving God with all the brothers and sisters in our church since 1996. He now works in a non-profit organization as an IT professional. He and his wife Yanfang Wang have a daughter.


段永恆來自中國大陸。 1994 年 7 月底來美留學,1995 年 10 月受洗。 來美後一直在本教會成長,與弟兄姊 妹一起事奉神。 現在佛羅里達農工大 學(Florida A&M University) 從事信息 技術工作。 與太太姚愛武姊妹育有三 個女兒。Yongheng Duan was from mainland China. He came to the United States to study in July 1994 and was baptized in October 1995. After coming to the United States, He has been growing up in this church and serving God with brothers and sisters. Currently working in IT at Florida A&M University, he and his wife Aiwu Yao have three daughters.